A one day trip to the capital - Budapest
We spent a fantastic day in Budapest while we were having a great time in Hungary this summer. The trip was short but it brought back many good, old memories basically from the day I started working in Budapest, through the great months we spent together with my husband in the city while he had his internship in 2009, ending with our long and exhausting struggles of me getting my K-1 visa to the U.S.
We definitely know that at one point in our lives we will get back and probably live there again. Until then, here is a glimpse (perfect if you only have some limited time to spend in Budapest) of the city`s great tourists spots from a Hungarian`s point of view.
The Hungarian Parliament
They finally finished the outside maintenance of the building and it looks really modern to me. I personally preferred the old architecture but oh well, this will do too.
They built in some new water sprinklers/mist sprayers by the Parliament that amazed me. I haven`t seen this refreshing idea (I mean the mist coming from the bottom) by any tourist attraction before. It was really cool: a modern European capital feeling.

We visited the Belvarosi Piac (Market in the Heart of the City) which had also been nicely renovated. I found their website too, here is the link. They have a very good coffee spot that offers different coffees from basically all over the world. Check out the picture below, and see how content my husband was with his double espresso. FYI: this was not his first time there. :) He actually had dozens if not more espressos made by the lady who works there while he was working for the American Embassy nearby in 2009. That was the reason we had to revisit the place and get his favorite brew.
St. Stephen`s Basilica
Honestly, one of my favorite spots in Budapest. It reminds me of my years teaching Business English nearby and also the hours waiting for my K-1 visa interview at the Embassy that I spent in a cafeteria right by its corner.
Matthias Church in the Castle Quarter
It was soooo hot there. Actually everywhere that day. No. Everywhere during those two weeks we spent in Hungary. Funnily, it was hotter in Hungary than in Miami at that time. It was 104F in Hungary while `only` 90F in Miami.
The Fishermen`s Bastion
View from the Fishermen`s Bastion.
Matthias Church from a distance.
My husband had to stop for a beer at every single place. Obviously.
The Castle District, the Royal Palace and the Hungarian National Gallery
Gorgeous views of the Danube from the Castle.
Clark Adam Square, Budapest
Virtuti Confido - My Confidence in the Ancient Virtue